Mental Health Services

Kings View provides evidence-based and recovery-oriented outpatient treatment at varying levels of intensity in the form of individual, group and/or family sessions, as well as a broad array of supportive services.
- No one will be denied access to services due to inability to pay.
- A discounted/sliding fee schedule is available based on family size and income.
For more information about specific services please email the county below:
Our mission is to provide whatever it takes to assist the whole person in pursuit of their best self, and assistance is available to those needing access to coverage. Please download the intake packet and Adult Services Measurements packets and review the services and treatments we offer below.
Intake Packet – English
Intake Packet – Spanish
Medi-Cal Guide – English
Medi-Cal Guide – Spanish
Beneficiary Handbook – English
Beneficiary Handbook – Spanish
If you are experiencing an urgent need for assistance, please contact
the National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255
our Central Valley Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-888-506-5991
or call 911.
Adult Services
The purpose of the outpatient portion of our program is to provide the most effective therapy possible to those individuals who are diagnosed with a mental disorder in order to return the consumer to his/her highest level of functioning.
Collaborative Justice Treatment Court (CJTC) will strive to reduce recidivism of veterans, mentally ill, and substance use disordered individuals who are involved in the criminal justice system and provide community protection with a cost effective, integrated continuum of care through the development and utilization of community resources.
Kings View has contracted with Behavioral Health to provide a clinician for the Behavioral Health Treatment Court Kings View therapist will provide treatment for participants in the CJTC, will attend weekly court hearings, provide reports to the court, and serve on the Advisory Review Board.
The purpose is to provide Mental Health services to consumers who are diagnosed with a mental health and co-existing substance abuse diagnosis. The Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program meets the standards developed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) as an Evidence Based Program.
The Kings View non-profit organization offers crisis response programs serving Fresno County. Our three programs include the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT), Mobile Crisis Response Team (MCRT), and our upcoming School Mobile Access Response Team (SMART).
Our crisis teams are crucial support to individuals in the community experiencing mental health crises. The program’s key objectives include stabilizing individuals in the community, connecting them to community resources and treatment services, and preventing unnecessary hospitalization or incarceration.
During crisis responses, clinicians may identify the need for resources, make referrals, and assist in navigating and obtaining essential items, such as clothing, footwear, food, and stress relief items for individuals in crisis.
Our Crisis Intervention Team is divided into rural districts and metropolitan districts to provide the most support throughout Fresno County. Our metro team serves only Fresno City and Clovis, whereas our rural team serves the remaining county areas. CIT calls are received through either 911 dispatch and co-respond with law enforcement.
Our mental health clinicians offer assessments, de-escalation techniques, and facilitate access to appropriate services. Notably, the services are available countywide and cater to individuals of all ages every day between 6:00am-midnight.
The Mobile Crisis Response Team offers vital support to individuals experiencing mental health crises without law enforcement on a 24/7 basis.
MCRT involves a mental health clinician and a crisis care coordinator who are dispatched through the designated contact number 559-600-6000 or 988. Teams are trauma-informed and extensively trained in de-escalation techniques and offer crisis counseling, motivational interviewing, and cognitive behavioral therapy interventions.
Our newest edition, the SMART program, is set to expand its services to respond to school campus crises beginning in August 2024 and will operate 8:00am-5:00pm Monday-Friday. Services will be offered to ages under 21 and children will be able to receive crisis counseling and cognitive behavioral therapy interventions and learn de-escalation techniques.
Contact Information
Michelle Newsome-Program Manager. CIT Rural, MCRT, & SMART
Phone: 559-353-0879
Joy Juarez-Program Manager. CIT Metro, MCRT, SMART
Office (559) 216-1058 Ext. 1020001
Direct (559) 970-1129
Help for the homeless
The Kings View Path program is aimed at outreaching to mentally ill homeless individual in several counties linking them to available housing resources, medical care, mental health, and social services.
Services Kings View Provides:
- Individual and Group Therapy
- Case Management Services
- Crisis Intervention
- Medication Evaluation and Prescriptions
- Housing Subsidies
- Emergency Housing Vouchers
- Placement Services
South County Mobile Services
South County Mobile Services provide “in the field” culturally competent mental health services to underserved/un-served individuals and families in the small communities of South Tulare County. These MHA services are intended to both reach out to those individuals in need of services who have been unable to obtain them and to provide services in new and innovative ways.
These MHA programs are intended to “do whatever it takes” to assist the client in achieving stable mental health. “Whatever it takes” allows staff to provide a wide range of services not normally provided in traditional mental health clinics.
One-Stop Program
The One-Stop program, in collaboration with other youth-based agencies, serves residents of Tulare county ages 12-24 who meet medical necessity throughout the south east country areas. Kings View advocates a multidisciplinary, individualized, culturally sensitive, harm reduction based approach including peer support, parenting resources, employment coordination, counselling and psychiatric care in “One-stop”center location where staff can also facilitate linkage to services.

Maintain Wellness
Wellness Centers
Peer run and driven, these welcoming programs offer a wide array of wellness and resiliency-focused services in a lively and supportive environment tailored to individuals who are on their journey to wellness. Groups and classes provide education and support in life skills, socialization, education, vocational skills and more.
- Blue Sky Wellness Center
- – 1617 E. Saginaw Way, Suite 108, Fresno, California 93726
- Porterville Wellness Center
- – 333 W. Henderson Ave, Porterville, California 93257
- Sunrise Mountain Wellness Center
- – 1300 Hilltop Drive, Redding, California 96002
- Visalia Wellness Center
- – 1223 S. Lovers Lane, Visalia, California 93279
- Eden House – Bridge Transitional Housing
- – 1627 S. Garden St., Visalia, California 93277
- Oak Wellness Center
- -1393 Bailey Drive, Hanford CA 93230

MAP (Multi-Agency Access Point)
Multi-Agency Access Point
MAP is a single point of entry “Right place, Right care, First time”. MAP is available to all Fresno County Residents, without regard to socioeconomic status, ethnicity or other factors. We assist clients with linkages to government resources that will enable them to access housing, behavioral health, physical health, food linkages, & transportation.
Visit the website at

Prevention Hotline
Central Valley Suicide Prevention Hotline
Our Central Valley Suicide Prevention Hotline (CVSPH) is one of thirteen call centers in California and a member of the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, formerly known as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Network. CVSPH is Accredited by the American Association of Suicidology until 2026.
As of July 16th 2022, 988 went live as the new front facing three-digit dialing code that will route callers across the United States to their local 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline center.
When people call, text, or chat 988, they are connected to trained counselors who will support and assess anyone experiencing a suicidal or mental health crises or emotional distress.
Trained Staff and Volunteers Conduct:
- Save the caller and offer immediate support
- Develop a safety plan for the caller
- Reach out to callers with post crisis follow up to ensure that they are safe and getting the help the caller may need.
Addional Servicies
CVSPH collaborates with key stakeholders throughout the seven counties to conduct outreach events in the Central Valley. The focus is on elevating awareness of 988 services, suicide prevention, and mental health. Outreach efforts are conducted year round where we distribute 988 information and marketing materials. In 2022 the CVSPH team conducted/participated in 41 events.
Children’s System of Care Program
Therapists and case managers provide intensified mental health services to children and adolescents who meet the State Criteria for a substantial impairment in major life areas such as self-care, school functioning, family relationships, or ability to function in the community, and who are at risk of self-harm, loss of placement, or who meet Special Education eligibility requirements.
The therapist has an exclusive focus of serving juveniles, who are on probation, and are viewed as a high risk of re-offending. All referrals to this program go directly to the designated therapist who is primarily stationed at the probation office. The therapist conducts the initial assessment, which might be conducted while the juvenile is still in detained status. Following assessment, the therapist will either facilitate referral to the necessary service or will provide the service himself/herself.
It is Kings View’s intent to provide holistic, multi-disciplinary treatment to adolescent sex offenders and child victims of sexual abuse so as to intervene and stop the cycle of abuse, to promote recovery and healing, and to aid in the development of healthy future outcomes for all participants and their families.
The criteria for admission to the Juvenile Sex Offender Treatment Program include the following:
- Minor must be adjudicated;
- Minor must take responsibility for offense;
- Minor must be appropriate for treatment as determined through assessment interviews conducted by Sexual Abuse Treatment Program clinician;
- Minor must understand and accept Multi-Disciplinary Team communication and consultation as part of treatment;
- Minor and minor’s family must display a willingness to participate fully in treatment.
The School-Based program consists of two divisions: The mainstream educational system and the Emotionally Disturbed (ED) system for children who have an educational designation of Emotional Disturbance which indicates that the child’s mental illness is such that it impacts the child’s ability to learn and succeed in a mainstream educational environment. These children are then assessed for Specialty Mental Health Services.
Services by this therapist are intended to be short term, solution driven and strength based. They will be provided on school site and will be provided in collaboration with the other current prevention activities. When longer term services are required, this position will facilitate referrals to Kings View’s Children System of Care or other clinically appropriate programs.
Therapeutic Behavioral Services are an Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment supplemental service for children/youth with serious emotional problems who are experiencing a stressful transition or life crisis and need additional short-term support to prevent placement in a group home of Rate Classification Level 12 through 14 or a locked facility for the treatment of mental health needs, including acute care, or to enable a transition from any of those levels to a lower level of residential care.
The goal of the Quality Management Program is continuous improvement of services and efficient use of resources, by:
- Establishing mechanisms that effectively improve quality.
- Assisting providers to remain consistent with State guidelines.
- Assuring service delivery integration and interagency collaboration.
- Examining the use of resources within the Mental Health System of Care and providing mechanisms that ensure delivery of consumer-centered, culturally appropriate, services that are consistent with the highest possible quality of care.
All crisis evaluations (walk-in, phone, hospital, jail) Monday through Friday – 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and all Emergency Department calls for evaluation from 5:00-9:00 p.m.
- All initial requests/screenings and assessments for mental health services (phone, walk-in)
- Communication and completion of all confidentiality related statements/forms
- Distribution and review of Consumer Guide
- Review and coordination of referrals from other agencies such as probation and CPS.
- Completion of full and readmission assessments
- Referrals and follow-up to community agencies/programs
- Referrals and follow-up to internal treatment programs
- Documenting all initial contacts on contact log
- Knowing and adhering to all applicable access related regulations such as when and how to address:
- Notice of Action – A
- Complaint & grievance procedures
- Language or disability-related access issues addressed (interpreters, TDD, etc.)
- Assuring appropriate coordination and follow-up with after-hours crisis staff, phone service, and call logs.
The Access Program is responsible for assuring timely and quality access to our services in alignment with all Department of Health Care Services regulations and internal policies and procedures. The staff is specially trained in assessment skills with youth, adults, and older adults around a myriad of diagnostic areas such as substance abuse/dependence, dual diagnosis, and psychiatric disorders. This assures appropriate referral to programs that can adequately address the identified problem areas.
AFTER HOURS Crisis services
This service provides access to emergency mental health services for consumers and agencies who request Welfare & Institutions 5150 evaluations outside of the regular business hours of KVCSKC. This would include all weekends and holidays that are observed by the clinic.

Eden House
Bridge Transitional Housing
This facility offers transitional housing for 23 adults who are either homeless or at risk of homelessness, supporting their transition to Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) or Rapid Rehousing (RRH) programs. We provide essential services including case management, housing navigation, enhanced care management and recuperative care to help residents achieve stability. The building features 21 rooms, with shared Jack-and-Jill style bathrooms and 2 rooms designed for couples with private bathrooms. Additional amenities include a laundry room, a large community room for socializing or activities, and a spacious community kitchen for residents to prepare meals. The environment fosters a sense of community and support as individuals work towards permanent housing solutions.
For those seeking information on Eden House admission requirements, please call (559) 908-0724

Contact Kings View
If you need assistance with any of our services, feel free to contact us. We have you covered.